Saturday, May 11, 2024

‘Land of Patriots’ free performances at Crystal Box Office Theatre

The play “Land of Patriots” will be performed for free at Crystal Box Office Theatre, 114 S. Main St. in Crystal Township, on Feb. 19 and Feb. 28. — Submitted photo

CRYSTAL TOWNSHIP — Come all you American Patriots to watch a free play about those colonial revolutionaries who brought about a new birth of freedom.

The protagonists — Samuel Adams and John Hancock — are chased by the Redcoats who have been commissioned by King George the III to hang them both for insurrection (oops, independence). 

Gratiot County Players veteran Jared Barden plays Samuel Adams, and Kadence Gilbert plays his sidekick John Hancock, who are opposites in every way but one: Dedication to the American Revolution. Their close but sometimes strained friendship is the source of much of the humor. 

The Redcoats, played by Brandon Wood and David Stack, are two hilarious soldiers, who (although claiming to be competent) prove to be very incompetent. The other characters — Dr. Joseph Warren, John Adams, and Abigail Adams — bring out the seriousness of the story as they speak about the sacrifices that have to be made for freedom.  These roles are played by Dave Kingsworthy, Kent Kirby and Diana Luehm. 

Laughter and history are good medicine for all that ails you, so come to the Crystal Box Office Theatre, 114 S. Main St. in Crystal Township, on Monday, Feb. 19, or Wednesday, Feb. 28.  The start times for “Land of Patriots” are 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. for both days (the program is about 30 minutes long). The event is free, but there is an opportunity to donate to a foster care camp in Mid-Michigan called Royal Family Kids Ithaca.

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